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Jaylin Moreno

Jaylin Moreno


When I was first called into missions, God showed me a vision of a baby I knew very well, trapped in the woods and crying with no one to comfort her. I was in the woods also but I couldn’t see her anywhere near me, I could only hear her cries and so I started running towards her. Then I heard a toddler crying, her older sister, and she was further away, in the opposite direction. Then I heard the cries of more children, some who I worked with in the past, some my baby cousins, some family friends, I became overwhelmed by all their cries and I knew what God was inviting me into, He was calling me to rescue His children and to bring healing to the lost. 

This picture became more clear for me one day, when He brought me back to that same vision, only this time I had found all the lost children but I couldn’t carry them and comfort them all in my arms, so I asked God what was I to do with all these children? Then I was in a hospital room, and I found myself passing off a baby in my arms to another set of arms, a mother’s arms. At that moment I felt God say “In order to rescue the children, you have to put them in the arms of wholehearted mothers."

Ever since this encounter with the Lord, I have persistently pursued training and equipment from Community transformation schools to Foundations of Maternal Health. My passion and my dream is to birth a movement of women and mothers who receive the holistic healing that only Christ can offer them and be faithful to walk them through a transformation of heart and worldview so that they can raise a generation of believers who have seen the power of the living God. I believe that when we empower The Woman to unveil her God given design of sacrificial love, enduring strength, and treasured dignity, we will be stomping on the enemies plans to attack a generation of fearless leaders and champions of the Gospel. 

I believe by bringing restoration to the homes of the most vulnerable, we will see a decrease in crime, trafficking, abuse, violence, poverty, and other injustices like this all over the world.

I am currently finishing a degree in humanities and international studies at the University of the Nations in Kona and will be embarking on several missions for the next year. I am hoping to be planted long term in a community that will focus on discipleship of women, meeting the needs of mothers in crisis pregnancies, and offering myself as a servant to their home to restore hope and truth in their hearts. 

The prayers and provisions of my supporters have been a continuous confirmation from God that I am aligning myself with His will and desires for the nations. If you have a heart for women’s and mother’s health issues as well as family restoration, I would love to hear more from you and how we could partner together to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven today.



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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925.478.4320 Ext. 303




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