Empowering Strategic Leaders
We are a team of seasoned leaders who use their God given resources to empower innovators, who specialize in developing and unleashing Christian transformation through Business, Government, Education, Science and Technology, Arts & Communication, the Family the Local Church and Missions.
Convinced that the world is changed by dreamers and visionaries, EquipNet serves humanity through its commitment to leverage its financial, relational, intellectual and spiritual capital in ways that unlock the creative potential in key individuals and organizations.

Collaborating Together to Advance God's Kingdom

From its inception, EquipNet has been driven by the passion to see God’s name be famous in all the earth and to see the Kingdom of God advanced and established especially among the 2 billion people who still comprise the least reached in our world.
In early 2000, our founders began EquipNet, alongside a private foundation that was an incubator for Kingdom projects and ministry start-ups. EquipNet aimed to be a catalyst for funding to flow from individuals, couples, local churches, major donors, foundations and kingdom businesses, to Indigenous Leaders in other Nations as well as Missionaries called by God to GO and to transform their world.
EquipNet’s key founder Bob Norsworthy, a 40-year career Missionary / Entrepreneur and Missiologist, saw a sea change beginning to take place in the traditional missions model. The traditional route to missions was going to seminary for three years, joining a sending agency, a lengthy period of deputation and being sent to be a part of a team. Bob saw this model was beginning to give way to many being called by God and sent to the field directly by a sending church or missional community to either pioneer and birth new works or join with an established indigenous team of ministry leaders in another nation or here in the USA.
EquipNet was formed to provide the services and to undergird the burgeoning virtual army of independent missionaries seeking to go to the field. These were missionaries with good and strong accountability structures, training and experience, already in place, but lacking the services and donor care and processing structures provided by older traditional sending agencies.
EquipNet found immediate eagerness to affiliate, on the part of many such missionaries and their churches, who wanted to more deeply live out their Local Church prerogative and mandate to send, but who did not have the capacity or desire to carry out the donor processing and donor services component of the sending and missionary care process.
Having collectively spent decades in the missionary fundraising world raising, both personal and project support, the EquipNet Team has built a very robust and cutting edge technology platform that serves both missionaries and churches. We provide all the logistical back end support to both the missionary and their donors that is typically provided by traditional sending agencies.
Because all EquipNet Missionaries are deeply vetted and already have their accountability and member care needs met by their local sending church, an advisory board or an existing ministry they are joining, EquipNet is able to keep our cost to the missionary and the donor one of the lowest available. We do not and will never grow an expensive infrastructure regionally around the world to manage missionaries and programs. Heavy home office personnel costs are the primary reason why most Christian non-profit organizations have admin fees ranging from 12% to sometimes 21%. We are proud of the fact that EquipNet has kept its administrative fee at 5% for nearly twenty years. Our goal is for as much of every missions dollar given, to make it to the missionary and the mission field where the ministry impact is actually taking place.
Our heart is for individuals and couples to hear the call of God, listen, obey and GO!
EquipNet is able to lift the burdens of administration, legal and tax issues off of the missionary and provide a reliable, stable and trustworthy partnership that helps missionaries care and love their donors and the ability to be free to focus on the primary ministry they have been called to accomplish.
We are grateful for the Lord’s blessing and anointing over the years on our organization. We have now grown from serving a handful of indigenous partners, to serving over 1900 missionaries, and 50+ smaller mission organizations and over 33,000 donors around the world.
May the end result of our partnership with you be that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” – Habakkuk 2:14