Mission Organization
ABBA is a ministry and registered non-profit organization in Brazil. Our mission is to reach children, adolescents, and youth in high risk and socially vulnerable situations. For over 25 years, we have been extending Christ's arms to this underserved population.
Our ministry includes nine projects in the areas of intervention, prevention, protection, and training. Altogether, we serve over 600 people each month. However, the challenges we face as a nation are greater than our current reach. According to a study by Ultimato magazine, there are over seven million children in Brazil living in poverty. Other terrifying statistics show us how vulnerable people under the age of 18 in our nation are and how much they need us.
Our dream is to reach more and more children, adolescents, and youth in our country. For this to happen, we need you. Partner with ABBA and help us transform the present and future of a generation in Brazil.
Reach out your arm and help! It's fast and easy!