Action Uruma
Mission Organization
We are Roland and Ingeborg Bahozi, together with our son, Seth, we live in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Congo is a beautiful country, but it also has many problems. There is a lot of poverty, violence and rape. We started the organization Action Uruma. Uruma means mercy or compassion in Swahili. It is our vision to be a family to the children and youth that don't have one; orphans, street children and children without a functioning family.
In our care we focus on three things: education, health care and discipleship. We started a primary school in a village that has gone through a lot of violence. Through education, the children have a chance to break the circle of poverty. We also teach them who God is so that in the future, these children will become leaders in this country who lead according to God's heart. Besides that, we focus on health care. Ingeborg is a pediatrician and we have the passion to help children in need. There are children dying unnecessarily of treatable conditions. We want to bring a change by starting a medical clinic for mothers and children in the slum area of Goma.
Last we also focus on discipleship. Let children become part of our family, through which they receive love, comfort and care. Our primary motivation is our faith in God; He is a loving father that gives us the example. He gave His son so that we can become part of His family. We would love to join hearts and join hands in our work and vision. Do you want to become part of this family and be involved in the lives of the children and youth we are working with?