Hands of Compassion
Mission Organization
Located in the Bay of Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, Manos de Compasion (Hands of Compassion) is a children's home serving the Lord in the care of the orphan and preaching the gospel to the lost. Our area of ministry is made up of 5 main buildings, including 4 ministry houses and a school. Each of the ministry houses have "house parents" that look after the children in those specific houses.
The home was started in 1999 by Rich and Carol Cole. The physical structure was originally in Peten. Tom and Sue Stukenberg took over the home in 2003. After about two years they decided to move out of the city to a safer location and somewhere the children had a yard to play in. In 2010 Tom and Sue decided to leave Guatemala and Dave & Deborah (Tom and Sue's daughter) Reichard took over the Manos de Compasion ministry.
Dave and Deborah are the directors of Manos De Compasión Mission. They started directing Manos De Compasión in 2010. They met in Guatemala when Dave came down to help volunteer and Deborah was living in Guatemala. They have six biological children, two adopted children, and all the permanent and temporary foster children they raise. Dave and Deborah are also the house parents of the Reichard house which cares for 20-30 children at any given time.
Follow us as we serve the Lord with the talents and gifts he has given us! Please pray for us for wisdom and strength to run the race God has set before our family!
Dave & Deborah
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