Home Base Salzburg
Mission Organization
Together with you, we provide orientation in a time of maximum confusion.
Founded in 2014 by the Loretto Association, a Catholic faith community in middle Europe, HOME in Salzburg covers a wide range of activities with three organizational forms (a social association, a non-profit and a commercial limited company). It is based on the Christian Catholic faith, with an open, ecumenical welcoming culture.
We offer people from different target groups across all walks of life the opportunity to find answers to life's questions for themselves and together with others. A living faith can hereby be discovered as a relevant source, even in the 21st century.
Focal points are:
HOME Academy – Educational programs around the topics of personal development and leadership, such as a 9-month discipleship school (postgraduate), week/end courses and an e-learning platform.
HOME Church – a church community with its finger on the pulse to communicate the gospel in a way that is relevant to everyday life and to create community. With a continuously growing Sunday service, Alpha courses, small groups, and various events during the week.

Cathedral Bookstore Salzburg city center – bookshop and concept store, which acts as a low-threshold entry point, community meeting place and event location.
HOME helps – social projects such as LaCantina (a restaurant where people who have a little more or just a little can eat great food), Food on Feet (take-away for those who have very little) or a language café for refugees.
We feed the hungry, not just with food.
HOME Media House – manages media productions for all HOME departments, such as video productions for the e-learning platform, livestream for the church service (with a reach of several hundred thousand users on TV, radio and online), music, radio and podcast productions, graphics, book design, social media.
We are in regular contact with 5,300 people registered by name
With tens of thousands of users via media
2,000 guest nights per year
32,000 “food on feet” since the second Austrian lockdown in fall 2020
220 fresh meals per day
1,400 overnight stays for people in need
34 employees
42 volunteers
5 vehicles
Why should someone support us?
Because in a time of confusion, we point (young) people toward Jesus Christ.
Because we help people on their individual journey to take healthy steps and make good decisions for themselves and others.
Because we are a lighthouse project that inspires people to build community in their own places.
Because we give many people a home.
Because we help to renew the church, shed new light on encrusted topics and opinions, and show their relevance for modern people in our society.

How much support are we looking for?
In view of the growth plans we are developing, an additional annual donation of EUR 500K + 100K in reserves (e.g. for maintenance of the properties used) is desirable for long-term work.
The plans for the next 3–5 years also include a new property for the growing church community. For this we need an investment sum of around one million Euros to contribute our financial share and bring other financial backers into the project.
You pray for more workers in His field?
Here they are.
Thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, your support, which makes our ministry possible in the first place!
Your main point of contact to speak with is Mike Breneis, CEO - mike@home-salzburg.com