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Angela Andriychuk

Angela Andriychuk


My name is Angela, and I am currently with YWAM Singapore.

YWAM Singapore’s goal is to be a gateway to the rest of Asia. Singapore being a boiling pot of many different Asian cultures and people, and being and ideal location and country for people to go through. YWAM Singapore hopes to send out many missionaries all across Asia, and to make God known all over the continent.

My goals are to go into the unreached places of Asia and to build relationships and share Gods love. I will be going all around Asia, building relationships, pioneering new ministries, encouraging and helping Christians and communities, and discipling young believers. I hope to see a revival in Asia, where they see Gods love and goodness and are changed by encounters with Him and His love.

I am currently going to Indonesian islands by boat. Indonesia has over 6,000 inhabited islands. The government doesn’t account for people on islands with a population of less than 500. I am going there with a team to pioneer new things, see the needs of these people, and build relationships with them.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me? I long to see Asia be set free and know God deeply, to know who He is and his love for them.


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