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Aidan Ballew

Aidan Ballew


Hello, My name is Aidan Ballew!

I’m a full-time staff member, and a bass player with the Circuit Riders in Huntington Beach, California. I’m originally from Houston, Texas.

Our mission at Circuit Riders is seeing young people transformed and activated by the love of Jesus!

I’ve been a part of Circuit Riders since 2017 when I came for their 6-month Discipleship Training School called CR Experience, which is 3 months of living with other students and getting to receive teaching from Bible scholars, plus evangelism training. Then we get to work out our new evangelism muscles as we hit the road for the next 3 months for our Carry The Love college campus tour! There are countless testimonies of people that have been miraculously saved and healed, and we’ve even seen multiple suicide interruptions!! You can never leave the same after being a part of these tours. I’ve been running with this family ever since then!

I first came to Circuit Riders as a bass player, which can be hard to come by, so I’ve thankfully been able to become a part of the main circle of musicians here. I’ve even gotten to play bass on some of the albums that Circuit Riders has put out which has been a major childhood dream fulfilled!! There is such an abundance of musically talented people here that I instantly related to on so many levels and have since become some of my best friends! We really believe the time is now for a new sound of heaven that will set this generation on fire for the love of Jesus!! We’re constantly writing and recording new music, so be on the lookout for new songs to worship your heart out to!! We also have a prayer room that we stream on Circuit Riders’ YouTube called Greenhouse where we get to worship the Lord and seek His heart for the nations!!

I am so grateful that I get to live out my dream every day, serving the Lord and living in an amazing community with my best friends in such a beautiful place, although I am fully funded by my family and friends and am constantly in need of new supporters!

My minimum need each month is $1200 which goes into rent, gas, and groceries! I am humbly asking that you would partner with me in faith and would prayerfully consider making a one-time gift or supporting me on a monthly basis!

Thank you for taking time to read! I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I embark on new journeys with the Lord each day!!



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