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Annika Bay

Annika Bay


My name is Annika, and I’m serving full-time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Amsterdam.

In 2023, I did their Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Hawaii, where my love for missions and for the Bible grew greatly. Wanting to go into missions, I decided to get a better understanding of the full story of the Bible, who the Bible says God is and what God says about us, in His word.

I felt led to do the Discipleship Bible School (DBS) in Amsterdam, which transformed me in many ways, and greatly grew my knowledge of the Bible. I have been called back to staff with the DBS team for the next couple of years, and I couldn’t be more excited about serving His kingdom in this way.

Discipleship Bible School is a three month school, where God’s character, historical and cultural context, personal applications and God’s redemptive plan for us, is analyzed through classes and weekly assignments, while reading through the entire Bible. It is an intense school that gives many helpful tools for hosting Bible studies (IBS), for understanding the entirety of the Bible and for knowing God through His word. Going into the mission field, this school brings Bible-knowledge and transformation that will benefit every student in each of their mission fields in the future.

As staff, we help the students walk through each book of the Bible as we read and discuss the content in small groups, have one-on-ones and read through their assignments, as they work towards a final presentation of an overview of the Bible from beginning to end, with a theme that they themselves have found relevant throughout the school.

As this is an intense school and base environment, I am working full-time with this and that is why I need your help in both prayer and finances!

If you would consider supporting with an amount, small or large, then that would benefit me greatly! If you are not currently able to give, your prayers are also greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact me via email:



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