My name is Aurora Lovelace.
I am from small town Bozeman, Montana and I grew up in a Christian home. I come from an amazing family with two great parents who did YWAM (youth with a mission) in their younger days.
As a little girl I had a dream of being a nurse so when I graduated high school I did a year of nursing at Grand Canyon University.
After my first year of college, in the summer of 2021 God called me to do a DTS (discipleship training school) in Kona Hawaii. I was able to live in Uganda for my outreach and within the six months of my DTS, it completely changed my life.
This summer, God called me back to Kona Hawaii to join YWAM staff to be a leader and to gain more knowledge about God. Never did I think I would live the missionary lifestyle but I can confidently say that it is a joy to lay my life down for the sake of the gospel. I would love for you to join my team and partner with me through prayer or financial support!