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Alexa Munoz

Alexa Munoz


I am originally from California, but my heart burns for all nations! I first joined Youth With A Mission in 2018 when I did my Discipleship Training School. I ended up choosing to stay with YWAM because I gained a burden to reach God’s lost children with the Gospel through missions, and I had never seen a group of people so motivated to do so that they would create a whole organization and dedicate their entire lives to doing just that. We are a company of people gripped by the love of God and compelled by the Gospel of Jesus! We are committed to knowing God and making Him known in every nation, tribe, and tongue!

I have mainly worked with a 9-month-long school called Foundations for Revival and Reformation. A bible training course that goes deep into the Word, worldview, and how to communicate the Word to the world. It’s purpose is to immerse students in the knowledge of God (Proverbs 9:10) and equip them to produce innovative solutions for whatever area of society God calls them to with a burning passion for Jesus and to see Him glorified! I am now on staff with the Prayer and Worship department on our campus, learning how to magnify the heart of God and amplify the call to go into the nations and preach the Gospel!

I am passionate about seeing women walk in the fullness of their identity and beauty. My heart burns to see women of all ages and backgrounds walk in integrity, freedom, and power instead of fear, hopelessness, comparison, and self-pity!

I quit my job, surrendered former plans, and left home because I feel called to be doing missions long-term and to dedicate my life to bringing freedom to the captives. It’s a joy to give my life to see my generation come to know Jesus and live fully alive in Love. Your donations will help me to live this lifestyle of missions, and do just that!

Thank you for being willing to partner with me to see Jesus be exalted in these things, may He receive all the glory!


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











T. 925.478.4320

Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303




P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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