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Angelina Payne

Angelina Payne


Hello everyone!

My name is Angelina Payne and I’m serving with YWAM(Youth With A Mission) in Kona, Hawaii!

YWAM is a collaborative non-profit mission sending organization that is focused on fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16). It is a global movement, full of young people driven by a passion to know God and make Him known.

I did my DTS in the beginning of 2024 and since then the Lord put a burning for missions in my heart. Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a six-month program that teaches you to pursue God and be activated to make Him known in the nations. 

Since then I got a word from the Lord that I’m supposed to come back to YWAM to join a school called Frontlines. I’m currently in Kona, Hawaii being trained to become a leader fighting injustices like war, poverty, and human trafficking. After two and a half months of lecture phase, I will go to Cambodia and the Philippines to help the fight against human trafficking, altogether spending another two and a half months on the field.

Since I gave my life to Jesus I’ve had a passion for the least reached nations, the Middle East and Central Asia. Combined with a dream to see human trafficking come to an end. The 10/40 window is where 96.6% of unreached people live yet only 3.4% of all missionaries are going there. I long to see people in these places hear the gospel and find true hope and freedom in Jesus. I’ve experienced so much joy and freedom in Jesus Christ and I want that for others too!

I know I’m called to full-time missions and I’m so thankful that I have people in my life who support the call of God on my life.

I’m currently looking for supporters to partner with me financially in my faith for the least reached and the least of these, the people suffering in injustices.

Thank you!

Angelina Payne


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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925.478.4320 Ext. 303




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