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Abigail Skinner

Abigail Skinner


My name is Abigail, I'm a full-time Christian missionary traveling the world on a mission to partner with the Lord in fulfilling the great commission. I love sharing with others testimonies along my journey of seeking Jesus.

I hope to inspire and encourage others to embrace the freedom Christ died for us to walk in.                                   

The past few years I have been serving with Youth With A Mission, in Boston. I've led the social media team here for a couple years. Managing our Hospitality department, and coordinate our evangelism events here! I have loved hosting so many missionaries, and empowering others to reach many.The end of year 2024, I have embarked on a new journey locking arms with Dunamis Ministry.


Dunamis Ministry, founded by Teófilo and Julia Hayashi, offers transformative schools focused on revival and supernatural empowerment. Based at Dunamis Farm, they train young people from around the world in leadership and spiritual gifts, aiming to impact society with the power and love of Jesus. Their programs, including YWAM schools like DTS and DBS, equip students to live out the Great Commission and establish God’s Kingdom on earth.

If you have questions about the ministry, feel free to message me!

My vision is to be out on the mission field for many years, making Jesus known among the nations. In the realm of media, God has spoken to me about thousands, this year I plan to sow more time towards this word from the Lord.

While continuing bringing teams to the unreached areas!

What doors God opens, no man can shut. I want to commission many others into their destinies.

I couldn't do this without you!


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