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Aaron & Barbara Villemaire

Aaron & Barbara Villemaire



We are Aaron and Barbara Villemaire. We are full time missionaries with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Kona Hawaii. Our desire to have a life completely sold out to Jesus, in full trust and surrender, is what brought a man from Vermont and a woman from Brazil together in California with YWAM, Circuit Riders, in 2020. We got married in June of 2021 and, on a word from the Lord, flew out to Kona Hawaii to be trained and sent out as missionaries to the nations.

Our hearts burn for the great commission to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19) Our desire is to go where nobody else wants to to spread the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and the salvation of Jesus Christ. There are over 7,000 unreached people groups in the world. Meaning people who are born, live their whole lives, and die without ever having access to the Bible in any way. This needs to change. So we are giving our lives to not build up our own kingdom on this earth, but to go and expand the Kingdom of God on this earth and be the hands and feet of Christ to make his name known among every nation and every tongue.

This is obviously no simple task, but we are completely confident that through the power of the Holy Spirit our simple yes will shift the course of history when people receive the word of God for the first time in their language. Our dream is that the people who we bring bibles to will then become missionaries to their own people and create disciples among them. Revelation 5:10 says, "... for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation." These are people who have been bought and payed for by the blood of Jesus, but the church, as the hands and feet of Christ, has failed in the last 2,000 years to deliver the gospel to them. These people are the inheritance of Christ that he was slain for but they die without ever knowing Him.

We have been burdened with a sense of urgency to see these people receive the word of God and come to the knowledge of salvation through Jesus Christ. So we need help to see this mission accomplished. Being full time students and serving in many capacities doesn't allow us to work to make the money needed for this mission. Our costs include tuition (until Aarons school is done), housing, food, airfare to go to the nations and hopefully home for a few holidays. We would be honored to have you partner with us in finances or in prayer. Our biggest need is monthly supporters, at absolutely any amount per month whether it's $10 or $200, any amount is a blessing. We also really appreciate one-time gifts if that's what the Lord asks you to do.

And last, but certainly not least, we need a team of prayer warriors to cover us through the month in prayer as we live in faith for provision and direction. We want to create a prayer calendar where we can put the names of the people praying for us for every day of the month.

There is so much power in prayer!

Aaron and Barbara

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