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Bailey McKay

Bailey McKay


Ever since I was a young girl, I have felt the Father call me into a long term lifestyle that would be undeniably counter cultural; a call that would say daily pick your cross for the sake of the gospel.

In 2018, I found myself living on a YWAM medical ship traveling to unreached people groups in the Pacific and to this day my heart beats for the nations. Yet, each season I find myself running back to the Father asking Him to direct my footsteps and He is ever so faithful!

Over the past year, I have been gripped by the immense spiritual poverty we seem to grow numb to in our home nation. To many, America has been deemed as too calloused for the gospel yet there is a new narrative that says otherwise. Recently, I joined Circuit Riders, a group of set apart young people, believing that America is a ripe harvest field waiting for a hope only found in the cross! From January-April, Circuit Riders host a nationwide tour called Carry the Love on college and high school campuses with a vision to inspire a generation to love like Jesus and to be activated into every sphere of society. Thousands are gathering and responding to the gospel, the time is now for the rise of a new Jesus movement!

As I am a firm believer that prayer is the birthplace for revival, I would humbly ask that, you would join me and the Circuit Riders hand in hand in prayer.

If your heart is stirred for what the Lord is doing on the earth, I would also like to ask that you partner with me financially. Any amount is appreciated beyond words and my prayer would be that in return you would be blessed tenfold by your obedience to sow into the kingdom.

May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering.


Circuit Riders + Carry the Love Tour (


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