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Bethany Walton

Bethany Walton


I am humbly honored to announce that the Lord has called me to be a missionary in this season! This year I will be working along with the Circuit Riders, a ministry under YWAM also known as Youth With A Mission. This past year I had the joy of attending the Circuit Riders training school that trains and equips students to to spread the Gospel everywhere, with an emphasis on college campuses to reach my generation with the love of Jesus! I personally have seen so much fruit in my generation. I have seen students accept Christ for the first time and I have also seen students completely set free in the love of Jesus! Through our outreach which is called the Carry The Love Tour.

Carry The Love Tour is when students criss cross America to spread the gospel, along with going to hundreds of college campuses, high schools ,and neighborhoods in America and overseas. Carry The Love shares the Gospel through evangelism, worship/ministry nights, and training, so even more students on their campuses know how to reach their peers with the love of Jesus. What makes all of this so beautiful is that I will both grow in my walk with Jesus and be a part of the Gospel movement sweeping America in our day, as well as gain professional skills that will help me be light and salt in any industry the Lord leads me!

I believe that the World is waking up to a hunger for God in our day that is seen in every sphere of society, including with young people everywhere. The time is now for the believers to join together in prayer and evangelism to see every nation , tribe, and tongue turn back to Jesus. I feel so blessed to be born into such a time as this, and honored that God would send me to be His hands and feet.

I want to encourage you as a child of God that God is bringing a generation of his children back home , and that he hears your prayers for the lost. God’s goodness has transformed my life and continues to transform my life. Also, I am writing to you to ask that you would pray and seek the Lord if He would have you invest in seeing revival break out on college campuses in America, and around the World through sending me out financially. If you have a heart for revival, young people, or simply believe that God is the One sending me, would you prayerfully consider giving a gift of any amount, and to pray for me throughout this next season as I go?

I want to say thank you from the depths of my heart for partnering with God over my life and over this generation through reading this and of course, through the investment of your prayers and finances. May God bless your homes and families abundantly, and may those that you are praying for also reap the fruit of your sewing in Jesus name.

With love,

Bethany M. Walton


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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