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Cat Bradley

Cat Bradley


Hello friends and family,

It is time for me to share the amazing news that the Lord has led me to a life of mission!  

These past few years it’s felt like my whole life was falling apart, life for everyone else around me was flying by and progressing while I was going through the darkest time of my life. I was so lost for so long, caught in an endless cycle of depression, ptsd, panic attacks, and recovery. And then I met Jesus again. I ran to Him like the prodigal son, and He came to me like a first responder. Like a parent, like a father. He gave me all of the love I didn’t allow myself to believe I deserved. And now all I want is to be like Him, and share His love with those who don’t know Him.

Volunteering in YWAM Kona’s Kokua crew program has completely changed, and saved my life. So, I thought today being world mental health day would be a perfect time to announce that I have decided to continue my journey with YWAM!!

I am going back to YWAM Kona this January to participate in a program called a DTS! This stands for “Discipleship Training School”. For the first three months I will be partaking in training, and then the next three months I will be sent on mission to a location I will not know until about a month into the program.

I am going to be completely transparent with you when I say I was not expecting this. My plan was to wait a year so that I could have some time to work and save the money I need for my DTS myself. But God had other plans for me, and I was called to not wait.

The whole program is $10,000 in total. And now I only have 3 months to pay all my fees in full, to be able to go on mission. If you don’t know me, please hear me when I say all I have ever wanted to do with my life is help people. This is my dream, and my purpose. and I believe an opportunity for me to use the second chance the Lord has gifted me with.

I know that God will provide for me, but if you feel called to support me on this journey it would mean the absolute world to me.



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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925.478.4320 Ext. 303


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