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Cade Criddle

Cade Criddle


Hey Yall, it’s Cade!

After years of deliberation, and the Lord confirming it over and over again, I’m finally taking a real step into obedience.

Soon after the first time I really encountered the Lord, I met a missionary, and she said “you are called to the nations.” She didn’t have to tell me; I knew what I had experienced was for the whole world. Later I was at a ministry event and 5 different people came up to me said “ you’re called to the nations” again, I already knew. This happened over and over while I grew such a passion for people and the nations as a whole. I met many more missionaries got more prophetic words, more specific and directional. I took small steps with short term trips here and there, but nothing that required too much faith or obedience. An opportunity arose to step into a real ministry position and I thought, maybe this is it? The Lord said “No, I want you to go to YWAM.” And I didn’t understand, but said okay.

I had visited the base a few years prior and had an application submitted, with no real intention to go. But when I visited for the 30 minutes to an hour I was there, I knew. It felt like home. It felt as if I should have known my way around, like I had been there 1000 times. But, I fought it, said it wasn’t logical and moved on. As arrival day approached, the reality of what I was committing to began to set in. It wasn’t till I bought my ticket a few weeks before that I was sure I was going to go.  

I’m currently at YWAM Kona with the Fire and Fragrance, Least Reached school.  My school focuses on the least reached people groups in the world- Primarily in the 10/40 region of the world.

People need the gospel, the real actionable, authentic gospel that is the message of life in Jesus. On this trip, that might mean going even deeper into a region that already is so unreached in mountainous Asia and (I’m hoping it will) trekking to remote villages that have no access to the gospel, or much of the outside world.

If you want to partner in my going it would be so appreciated. There’s about $5000-$6000 that is needed for the 3 months over seas. That’s including:

• Flights

• Food

• Housing

• Travel within the country.  

I’d love to ask for your financial and prayerful support. If you want to commit to monthly giving or a one time gift, please pray about what that looks like and if you’re supposed to sow into this!

“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;

it shall not return to me empty,

but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,

and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. For you shall go out in joy

and be led forth in peace;

the mountains and the hills before you

shall break forth into singing,

and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress;

instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle;

and it shall make a name for the LORD,

an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.” -Isaiah 55:11-13

If you have any questions, or encouragements, email me at

The fact that you’re even reading this is so wild and any and all support is so appreciated.

Love yall,



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