Hey guys!!
If you're here you probably already know me, but I'm Caitlin Robinson and I'm a missionary!
Since I was about 12 years old, I knew I wanted to be a missionary. My heart longs to help people. I always thought that would look like being an International Disaster Relief volunteer, or volunteering in the developing world. But God placed a new desire on my heart. A desire that I would see my generation, Gen Z, come to know the Gospel and that I would play a role in The Great Commission. I long to see the Gospel brought to unreached people groups.
This generation is so broken. Hookup culture, sex, drugs, alcohol, broken families, the list is endless. People are longing for someone to love them and provide them with something that lasts and doesn't change depending on how they feel.
The Lord has called me to Circuit Riders, a part of YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Circuit Riders is based in Huntington Beach, CA, and focuses on Saving the Lost, Reviving the Saved, and Training them all.
Circuit Riders desires to see people of every nation, tribe and tongue saved and empowered to go spread the Good News.
Jesus' final command in Matthew 28 is: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
I am doing my DTS with Circuit Riders. It is a 6 month training program. October through December is the training phase in Huntington Beach, and January through April is outreach, where we tour around the U.S. and Europe on Carry the Love, Brave Love or the Black Voices tour. I will be in Europe on Carry the Love. Carry the Love is about carrying the love of Jesus with us throughout the nations.
We are being trained to preach the Gospel in whatever situation we find ourselves in. We are being trained in evangelism and just growing deeper in our relationship with the Lord.
Being a missionary is a huge commitment, and it means I'm giving up all financial security and income. I have to rely on God to provide people who are willing to sow into me and the ministry I am doing. I am looking for people to partner with me and support me monthly. The costs of the tours are expensive, as we are traveling and moving to different locations every other day, it is a lot of take out food.
To me, your monthly financial support isn't just income, but it is a relationship. I want to build a relationship with all my supporters. I want to know ways in which I can be praying for you. It is a two way relationship.
If you can't support me financially, your prayers are most important!
Honestly, asking for money is not easy, and I am struggling to rely on others, but I know God is pushing me out of my comfort zone in asking me to become a missionary.
God calls us all to be missionaries in whatever field we are in. And I truly believe you, partnering with me, you, are helping the advancement of the Gospel.
I would love to hop on a Zoom or FaceTime with you to talk more about my work and how you can help! Please reach out on instagram @caitlinamelia__ or find me on Facebook @Caitlin Robinson.
Thank you so much!
Love Caitlin