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Ciarra Thacker

Ciarra Thacker


Hey! my name is Ciarra Thacker and I am currently a student with Circuit Riders.

At Circuit Riders we believe in training and empowering the next generation in the lifestyle and culture of Jesus. We believe our mission field is our generation and we will stop at nothing to reach them. Whether it be high school campuses, college campuses, or across the globe, Circuit Riders empowers and equips hungry missionaries to go out and reach their generation where they are.

During my last Discipleship Training School with Fire and Fragrance, I grew in ways I didn't know were possible. The Lord broke through things I thought I would just have to live with. And while I was there, my eyes were opened to the significance and the weight of the cross. The burdens and sins He took upon Himself for me. I knew my life was over and it was all His, I was ready to lay down my plans and my life to pick up His.

Over these last few months God has been breaking my heart for the US. For the women that don't know their identity as a daughter, and for the college campuses that have accepted and given into the environment around them. My heart breaks for my generation, to see them bound to sin and addiction and not know their identity as sons and daughters.

Since being back home, the Lord has asked me to join Circuit Riders under their Discipleship Training School. I will be growing more in the skills and passions that the Lord has placed in my life. Additionally I will be growing in leadership skills and most important, growing closer to God in a God fearing community. At the end of my training I will be going on an outreach with my team ( the location is unknown right now). We will be traveling through the US and then we will leave for an international outreach as well.

I can't do this without the help of you guys. I know this generation and America can be radically changed by Jesus.

Would you prayerfully consider giving - to help me reach this generation? Please reach out to me with any questions and I am so thankful in advance for your partnership.


Phone: 559.940.5882



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

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925.478.4320 Ext. 303




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