Hey! I am Desaray Nolt, an eighteen year old girl from Lebanon County!
My life is dedicated to following Jesus, and going wherever He leads me. I am currently doing schooling with YWAM Lancaster, on a journey to become staff! I am starting the Catalyst internship this April, to continue to grow in my leadership abilities and see how the Lord will use my gifts!
Now, a little bit about me. I was born and raised in a Christian household, but it was not until my senior year of high school that I formed my own relationship with Jesus. He saved me from anxiety and depression and called out my original design. I felt called to pursue the Lord deeper, and the door to YWAM Lancaster DTS was opened! During this time Jesus taught, changed, and encountered me. I received a heart for the nations and a calling to GO! Jesus calls us to go ( Matthew 28:18-20), when I realized I was called, it felt like a part of me was put together. I always wanted to be a missionary from a young age, but never thought I would be “chosen” to go. I quickly learned that you do not have to be super spiritual or the perfect Christian, you just have to follow Jesus! To wrap this up I am a young girl chasing after the heart of Jesus, and sharing about what he did in my life!
I have a heart for children, teaching, and the unreached. Those three things are where I can see my ministry going in the future! Jesus loved the children and said that the kingdom of God is for such as these (Mark 10:14). Children can change generations and shift strongholds in this area. Teaching is very important, as many people believe they are not worthy enough to be educated and do not see value in education. So many people cannot even read the BIBLE! There are 3.2 billion people who have never heard the name of Jesus! That blows my mind, because I have grown up my entire life knowing the name of Jesus. Every single person deserves to know the salvation of the Gospel and the love of Jesus! This is why we need to GO, how will they know unless somebody tells them? (Romans 10:13-15) My vision is to reach the unreached, lead teams, and most importantly follow Jesus wherever he leads. I want to see the unreached reached in creative ways, with teams of people who never thought they could do anything big.
If God can use an 18-year-old girl from Lebanon County to go to other nations and share about Jesus, he can USE YOU TOO!
I would love it if you would partner with me in prayer for this next season as I continue my missionary journey with Jesus! I believe that prayer changes things, and holds a lot of power!
A few prayer requests:
• An open and teachable heart going into the next school
• Guidance and open doors for fall 2025
• That I will be a bold gospel witness
• That I will be able to sit at the feet of Jesus even in the busy moments
As I am stepping into full-time mission work, I am learning to trust God with EVERYTHING. That includes finances, and trusting that He will provide what I need. If you feel led to financially partner with me and Jesus on a journey to help fulfill the great commission, ways to donate are listed below. I would love to connect in person or over the phone to share about my past five months and where God is leading me. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and remember He can use you!
Jesus is worthy!