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Elizabeth Curtis

Elizabeth Curtis


Hi! I’m Liz Curtis. 

I was in South Africa from 2015-2017 with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) completing my Discipleship Training School (DTS) and then staffing a DTS on staff serving in logistics like ministry outreach and hospitality.

I experienced major health challenges from 2017-2022 including being diagnosed with Celiac Disease (2017) and for an unrelated reason needing surgery in 2019. During this time of medical unknowns, I remained in Michigan (2019-2021) and felt the Lord calling me to business school. I applied to GVSU and earned my Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Minor in Hospitality and Tourism Management. I also learned to sew during this time and ran an Etsy shop for 3 years as a hobby, while in school full-time and helping manage my parent’s restaurant 25-30 hours a week. Little did I know, the Lord was preparing me in many ways for the next big opportunity He was leading me towards. 

I am currently serving at Made by Mosaic in Potchefstroom South Africa, a job creation initiative for foster parents who are a part of Mosaic Community Developments. 

Mosaic Community Developments is a nonprofit in South Africa that serves foster parents taking care of two or more orphaned and vulnerable children in three locations (Potchefstroom, Paarl Valley, Gqeberha (PE)). Mosaic Community Developments has a three layered approach to orphan and vulnerable child-care programs which included Parent, Child, and Job Readiness/Skills Development. The Mosaic Model consists of family, employment, housing, education, and sustained flourishing. 

At Made by Mosaic, I get to serve alongside foster moms each day. We laugh and have fun, sometimes we dance, we rejoice and pray for each other, and we work hard. At our job creation initiative, the leatherworks department is where our moms create beautiful handmade leather bags that we sell in shops throughout South Africa on consignment and in seasonal markets. My years of medical adventures where I acquired a love for sewing, a business degree, and more knowledge about running a business gave me the ability to serve well at Made by Mosaic. I assist with product design, production, marketing, integration of systems and processes, and continuing to seek out international selling opportunities. 

I get to do all of this as a volunteer, receiving no financial salary, but able to serve with the gifts the Lord has given me because of your prayers and financial support. Would you partner with me in what the Lord is doing at Made by Mosaic?

Oh, and on 1 November 2022 Jesus did a miracle and healed my Celiac Disease! I continue to witness the Lord using all things for His glory and that His timing is perfect. 

With a heart of gratitude,



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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