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Elli Leach

Elli Leach


Hello!  My name is Elaine Leach (most people call me Elli) and I am honored to be a full-time missionary with the EveryHeart Movement, based in Grand Rapids, Michigan; which is affiliated with Youth With A Mission (YWAM).

I began my journey in missions by attending EveryHeart’s five-month YWAM-certified Discipleship Training School.  The DTS started with a lecture phase in February of 2024, and continued with a 10-week summer outreach phase afterwards.  During my lecture phase, I fully surrendered my life to Jesus and discovered what it looked like to live a Christ-centered, outward-focused, missional lifestyle.

The outreach portion of my DTS was joining an EveryHeart Tour.  This summer, our six teams reached 43 cities across America and Norway, and witnessed 1,542 people give their lives to Jesus for the first time.  We also saw 290 people rededicate their lives to Christ, 603 people experience freedom, 321 people receive physical healing, 790 people commit to pursuing missions, and 15,433 people were able to hear the full Gospel message.  Seeing God move in the lives of individuals and in cities over the summer has inspired me to continue ministering.

Throughout the tour, God put it on my heart to stay within the EveryHeart community and aid in their mission: to see a generation met and sent by the love of Jesus.  I’m beyond thankful that I get the opportunity to lay my life down, and in return see others saved, set free, and transformed by the same God that transformed me!

My current role on staff is to serve on EveryHeart’s media team, where we are responsible for capturing what God is doing within our movement.  This includes but is not limited to: taking photos and filming livestreams during gatherings and outreach events, and creating and posting social media content that points people to Jesus and connects them with our community.  I consider it a great joy to serve as a modern-day scribe for the Kingdom of God!

Like most other full-time missionaries, I have the opportunity to rely on God and His faithful followers by support-raising my own salary for the next year.  I’m excited to be able to invite others to join me in this mission!

My current goal is to raise $2,000 of monthly support.

This money is needed for:

• Housing/Rent

• Food

• Transportation (gas, insurance, etc.)

• Other living expenses

• Giving (tithe, offering, generosity)

• Savings

If you feel led to support me in prayer or finances, THANK YOU!  I’m so grateful for each and every donation, prayer, and encouragement I receive. Thank you for joining my team, and letting the Lord use you to further establish His Kingdom here on earth!

If you have any questions, comments, or prayer requests, please reach out to me at  

For more information about the EveryHeart Movement and EveryHeart Tours, you can visit their website here:




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