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Elijah Ngai

Elijah Ngai


As you may know, i am going to be attending a full time missionary school during my gap year. The organization is called Circuit Riders, which is a branch of YWAM (Youth With A Mission). The Mission of YWAM, Circuit Riders is for young adult/adult missionaries to live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) - to spread the gospel and good news of Jesus to ALL nations of the world & to be the arms and feet of Jesus!

I’m so excited to be a part of their 7 month program which begins this October, 2023 to April, 2024. This next season God has in store for me is going to be so transformative. I just want to share how God has completely changed my heart around, and how I have become completely sold out for Him. He is so good, and so worthy of our praise.

My decision to be a part of Circuit Riders is truly a story of obedience. Obedience in listening to leaders around me, to friends, my family, and most importantly - to God. God radically encountered me this year, and I felt deep conviction to give my full heart & surrender this first year of adulthood to Jesus. He is everything to me. I have received countless confirmations, and blessings just by deciding to do this. It is nothing short of God that I feel a desire to lay everything down, and serve Him in the mission field this coming year. I can’t explain my excitement to be equipped and trained in this season of my life. Obedience begins with our yes, and giving our yes to Jesus so that He can work through us. I am super excited to see the miracles, salvations, and growth in my personal life during this time. And I can’t wait to see God’s love and glory poured out to the nations.

So I am reaching out as a ready missionary...

In order for me to do this and be part of what God is doing in this generation, I am stepping out in faith believing for God’s supernatural provision. I am reaching out for support in prayer, and for my Missions Support to be covered. I am believing in this, and trusting God for this situation to be met.

The school itself includes practical, and spiritual training for the first 2 months of the school. During the training we will learn how to practically share our faith. We will be growing in our spiritual gifts, and learning to live in community with other Circuit Riders. There are about 180 people attending the school, and all of us will be housed in Orange County (first 2 months). I am excited to be with like-minded, radical Christians who are on fire for Jesus, something that I have been praying for! It is so cool to see prayers being answered. After the training school ends in December, we will be sent out to apply what we have learned across the nations. There are opportunities to go to Australia, Europe, Africa, South America, and cities across America.

Again I’ve stepped out in faith believing for finances to be met and I am absolutely confident in the Lord, His ability, and His timing. I would like to ask if you would consider sowing into my missions year.

Would you consider helping me reach my goal of $15,000? This includes the YWAM Circuit Riders training school, all housing, food, groceries, weekly outreaches, airfare tickets, and transportation to the cities/nations I will be traveling in.

My heart has been stirred for Jesus, and I cannot wait to be part of what He is doing in my generation. Thank you for helping to send me this coming year. I know I will not be able to make this happen apart from your prayers and financial support.

Thank you so much!!!


Elijah Ngai


EquipNet is a 22-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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