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Grace McGillivray

Grace McGillivray


Hi everyone!

I’m Grace McGillivray. I am a South African who has called Ohio my home for over 20 years now. I have been a nurse for nine years, and I always dreamed of using my medical degree to help serve less fortunate people in a missions environment. This is why I chose nursing as my career. Growing up in South Africa, I have seen the need in the world for the medical education and care that many people take for granted. It is amazing how the even the simplest medical education can radically change a community.

After many years of hoping, the Lord has led me to YWAM (Youth With a Mission) to begin to dip my toes in the world of missions. Starting September of 2023, I will begin the Disciple Training School on the base of YWAM Ships Kona. This DTS trains you in missions, outreach, and strengthens your faith for 3 months, and then from December ‘23 to March ‘24, I will be with my team doing outreach in mostly likely Papua New Guinea. This outreach will look like us using a converted ice breaker to travel between many of the PNG’s isolated islands, bringing care and spreading the love of God.

While I have been able to save some financially, I pay my way for the flights, lodging, food, etc in this training for the next 6 months. I will not be earning any income during this time and am relying on these savings, and from those that financially support me during this time!

If you feel interested or called to support me in any way, please see the options below to help directly provide financial aid to this mission with me. Either way, I would love any and all prayer for this time, that it might be exactly what the Lord is calling it to be and for me to fully step into this time.

Thank you everyone for reading and supporting me! I can’t thank you enough for the support everyone has given already.

I love you all!

Grace McGillivray

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