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Gregory Watt

Gregory Watt


Hey, my name is Gregory Watt,

I’m 19 years old, I joined YWAM this year 2021 in September. In YWAM DTS we get to learn more knowledge of the Lord and get to grow with each other as a family as well as go out and help do community work, cleaning up neighborhoods or cities going out praying over people as well as giving people gifts.

We want to see God bring revival throughout Durres, Albania and Albania itself. I can’t wait to see what God has in store during me during my five months of DTS (Discipleship Training School).

My goals during DTS are to gain more knowledge of the Lord and develop a deeper understanding and connection with God and have a friendship with him as well. To do this I am gathering a team of people who will pray for me and support my ministry financially!

Thanks! Gregory

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