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Isabella Cannelongo

Isabella Cannelongo


Hi friends,

My name is Isabella Cannelongo and I am currently a full-time missionary serving with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Kona! YWAM's mission is to know God and to make Him known!

My heart has been deeply wrecked by the urgency to make God's name known and to carry His Living Hope to the lost, for as long as I can remember. God continues to meet me countless times in my own life, with the Living HOPE of His Gospel and the truth of His love, and the prayer of my heart is to see every nation, tribe, and tongue come to know the abundant Life and Hope that can only be found in Jesus!

In the Lord's kindness, He has fanned that flame in my heart through countless invitations He has given me to step into various types of shorter term mission work in the nations, over the past decade, as He prepared me for all the other invitations that He had in store!

In fall of 2022, I did a Discipleship Training School (DTS) through YWAM Kona, and the Lord was so kind to use that as the conduit to help me step into more long-term and full time missions!

Since then, I was able to live as a full-time missionary in Guatemala, until the Lord called me back to now serve with YWAM again! I'm so thankful for how the Lord guides me in each season, and to be given the honor of serving within a ministry that the Lord is using in mighty ways throughout the earth, to make His name known!

I will be serving on staff with Fire and Fragrance (F&F), which is a discipleship training school within YWAM  (The same DTS that I walked through in 2022).

Our mission is to train up and send out believers, with burning hearts, to the ends of the earth carrying the love and the HOPE of Jesus to the lost!!

While on staff, I will be continuing to mentor and disciple students/new missionaries, planning and leading outreach teams to the nations, and having the joy of witnessing how the Lord is moving in the nations, how He is encountering people with the truth of His love and glory, carrying His love and His light to dark/lost places, making His name KNOWN, and having a front row seat to how God is raising up this generation to carry His Gospel to the hardest and the darkest places, all for His glory!!

As a full-time missionary, I won’t be making any income, and therefore I’ll only be relying on the provision of the Lord, through the financial support from dear friends and family!

This financial support will allow me to be able to afford ministry expenses, rent, food/meals, transportation, gas, training materials, and everything else that is necessary for me to be able to continue to get trained, to serve and disciple new missionaries, and especially to carry the Gospel to the nations!!!

Stepping into missions/ministry takes a village, and I truly couldn’t walk into full time missions, without the prayer and the financial support from those whom the Lord leads to partner with me.

It’s such a gift to have you all praying me forward!!!!

I am currently praying for the Lord to bring forward a team of supporters that will pray for me and that will commit to partner with me financially every month, to help to make it possible for me continue fully walking in this calling the Lord has invited me into with Him!!

So, I prayerfully extend the ask and invitation to each of you, to pray about joining my support team!

Whether that will look like supporting me monthly or if it looks like giving a one time donation to help support me, it would truly be such a GIFT of provision from the Lord and a HUGE answered prayer!!!

And I am just so thankful that you would even pray about supporting me!!

I am so grateful, excited, and expectant to see all that the Lord has in store!! He is a GOOD Father. To Him be all the GLORY.


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