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Jennifer Agger

Jennifer Agger


My daughter and I were called to Youth With A Mission (YWAM) last year in a sudden and powerful way.  We came to attend a Discipleship Training School at YWAM Kona and after we arrived, God began to put it on our hearts to step into missions full time.  So after our outreach in Mazatlan, Mexico, we went home and packed up all of our things to go into storage and quickly made arrangements to step into long term missions.

YWAM was birthed when founder Loren Cunningham had a vision from God of wave upon wave of young people flooding the nations with the Gospel.  From this vision, Loren and his team humbly pursued the voice of the Lord and walked in obedience to establish the first campus where they began to train and equip young people to go into the nations.  Over the years, YWAM has grown into an organization that has locations all over the world where people come to experience complete transformation in discipleship schools (DTS) which consist of 3 months of lecture and then a 2 month outreach.  

Here at Kona, Emily and I are blessed to be members of the biggest missionary base in the world.  Every quarter, hundreds of people are equipped and sent!

Emily and I have continued to listen to the leading of the Lord as we step into the ministry He has called us to.  Currently, I am in the role of staff in the Crossroads DTS which is geared toward people of all ages: families, singles, married couples, from young to old.  As a staff member, I work with our team to facilitate the DTS, lead small groups, and minister to one on ones.  After lecture, I will lead an outreach team for 2 months, then we will gather together with our class once again and we will all debrief together, sharing testimony and insights gained from our outreach locations.  From there, it will be time to prepare for the next quarter.  We feel like God has shown us that He is making our home here in Kona, but with each quarter comes the opportunity to seek God to see where He is leading for the next season, so that's what we do.

We are seeing God moving powerfully in the nations and the harvest is ripe!  Please consider joining us if you feel like you may be called to the nations.  You will not regret it!

Every position at YWAM is a volunteer position and while we are currently blessed to have a space to live on campus, there is a fee to live there and it is not guaranteed from quarter to quarter because of space constraints on campus.  Meanwhile, Emily continues in her homeschool and we have all of the usual expenses a family has to live on.  We do not receive any compensation for our service and so your blessing of financial partnership goes directly to impacting the communities and hearts that we are sowing into.  Please consider partnering with us and helping us to continue to fulfill the great commission.

Jennifer & Emily

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