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Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey



I’m Joel Bailey, a 19-year-old from Sheridan, Wyoming. I grew up playing ice hockey and adventuring in the Big Horn Mountains, and after high school graduation I felt God calling me to something wild!

So, this past winter (2020/21) I embarked on one of the most impactful adventures of my life: I attended the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) Discipleship Training School (DTS) at the Kona, Hawaii campus. Following our training there, we went to New York and Pennsylvania for ministry outreach. The entire 6 months was an incredible experience, and I grew so much in my relationship with God. I learned greater intimacy with Him through worship, prayer, and time in the Word, and also learned how to share the love of Jesus through action in many different settings.

I desire to go back for more, so I recently submitted my application for the YWAM Leadership Track that will begin on June 18. This is a 3-month school that will prepare me to lead groups of students attending DTS for the first time. Once I’m on staff I will be with students and other leaders 24/7, 6 months at a time: 3 months on the YWAM Kona campus and then 3 months for outreach abroad – anywhere in the world. I can’t wait to get started!

Until June 18 I will be traveling in Nepal, visiting the YWAM campus there, and joining in mission work with local pastors. This is an exciting trip, and I would appreciate your prayers for this endeavor as well.

Being a part of YWAM truly feels like a family, full of joy, wholeheartedly surrendered to Jesus and wildly in love with his presence! God’s love inspires and propels us to take the gospel into all the world, from remote mountain villages to Ivy League universities. Our passion is the presence of Jesus and He is the center of everything we do. Our goal is revival that leads to reformation. Our mission is to launch fiery eyed revivalists into the nations–close knit groups of friends–who are dedicated to falling more in love with Jesus and seeing the lost encounter his love.

I am making a 2-year commitment to full time ministry, and my financial need will be roughly $2000/month. This will provide room and board, education and training, day-to-day living expenses, ministry travel costs, and I will also be tithing from the financial provision I receive. Thank you for considering a one-time or recurring gift to make this possible. I long to know God and to make Him known. The world is waiting for an encounter with His love. Please be praying for continued provision, and that Jesus would be glorified in everything I do.



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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