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Jordan Correa

Jordan Correa


Hello, my name is Jordan Correa,

I am a creative, active, person of peace, that has a heart for the unreached people groups of the world that have not yet received the gospel. A passion of mine is to serve people less fortunate through educational practices, life lessons/testimonies, medicine, and by simply sharing the Word. This long-lived heart song has been with me since I began missions work in 2016. My first missions trip was to Haiti just before I turned 18. That experience changed the course and my outlook on life. I remember coming back to "reality" is what it felt like, having believed I had found my dream!

I am currently volunteering with a missions organization called Youth With A Mission. I have been given this amazing opportunity: to invest in the kingdom, the future of our generation, and to pour into the lives of our youth. I currently disciple waves of youth that are ever so open to our Lord Jesus Christ. I also am being mentored and raised to seek the mystery of the word. Not only being a reader or hearer of the word but intensely walking out by faith to be a doer as well. I have the vision and a dream to continue deeper into this organization and in the long run Lord willing to pioneer a ministry within its own. At heart, I am a trailblazer! I long to see those in need of physical, spiritual, and mental care be touched by the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. With my Yes, I am praying that the Father will use me as a vessel to bring Light, Love & Freedom to all nations' tribes and tongues.

Being a part of a developing cause I pray you to ask the Lord that he searches your heart for anything your spirit is willing. I am not only looking for support but a Partnership. Most of all what I am in need/want of is prayer support for guidance and provision. As I seek fellowship, I would like to invite you into joining me on this journey through the nations and regions where there are still lost, hungry souls.

Accepting his ways are better than mine I know not to worry about tomorrow and that he will always provide a blessing. With this I had a thought telling me to be proactive along with my many attempts and ideas to pursue entrepreneurial facets, to simply make an ask. What it takes for me to continue in this fieldwork is having partnerships that are willing to support in finances as well as prayers! Sustainably looking forward to monthly supporters that are willing to keep in close contact with. Whether financial or with prayer all is appreciated and welcome.

Thank you for your time, may the Lord watch over you and bless you.

Jordan Correa

You may also give by check, if you like. Please make checks payable to "EquipNet" and make sure you include my account Equip3768 in the Memo Section on the face of your check.

Please mail to: EquipNet, P.O. Box 860 Alamo, CA 94507


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











T. 925.478.4320

Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303




P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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