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Jenna Jackson

Jenna Jackson


Hey guys! I’m Jenna. I’m 23 years old and have been following Jesus for over five years now. Over the past five years God has taken me on a wild ride! Getting saved just after graduating High School was the best thing that could have ever happened to me and since that day I knew I was called to give my whole life for the Gospel, no matter what that would mean. When I was in high school I was incredibly lost and broken beyond repair, or so I thought.

One night the love of Jesus just met me like I never knew possible. I found my identity in Christ, my freedom, my purpose, my everything all because of His great love for me. I know my calling in life is to carry that love to those around me, pouring the love of Jesus out into high school and college campuses.

For the past three years I’ve been working for a local church in Narragansett, RI as the Youth Director. Myself and my leaders believe that in this season, God is calling me to go out into the missions field. Starting in October I’ll be attending Circuit Rider Experience, based in Huntington Beach, CA to be trained as a messenger of the Gospel. From there I will be going on tour as a Circuit Rider assigned to a specific region in the United States.

The craziest statistic to me is that after high school, about 86% of people never step foot in a church again. The don’t continue their walk with God, they don’t get connected in community, they don’t live for God, they don’t live knowing how loved they really are, and they don’t live free. That needs to change. College campuses need to be turned upside-down by the relentless love of God, high schoolers need to hear the truth of the Gospel that holds the power to set them free and satisfy them more than anything else in this world ever will. It’s going to be such an honor to be a part of the Circuit Rider movement and know that any and all prayers are so greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support!


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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