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Jenna Martin

Jenna Martin


Hello, my name is Jenna!

God has put it in my heart to disciple young people, point them to Christ in their journey to know Him personally and to go to all the nations to share the Gospel that the Kingdom of Heaven is here. Would you partner with me to help spread the gospel to the nations and champion young people who are seeking a personal relationship with God?

“Many are the plans of the human heart,

but it is the decision of the Lord that endures.” Proverbs 19:21

My mom will tell you that even as a young girl, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would confidently say “I want to be a missionary!” In September 2022 I began a Discipleship Training School with YWAM to grow in my relationship with God. After coming back from our outreach, my heart was sparked by the Holy Spirit for the lost, poor and the unreached people that existed in the world, even in Western culture.

He stirred my heart for the people in Byron who are seeking false idols in New Age practices, such as yoga, witchcraft, crystals and mediations. God placed in my heart the desire to disciple young people; especially the students coming into YWAM.  


It’s my hope to humbly walk alongside others as a staff member with YWAM; to point students to Christ in a time of emotional healing and heart transformation. I desire to encourage my team and plan international trips to spread the Gospel to the unreached people of the world. However, I cannot do this alone or in my own strength.

Would you like to partner with me to equip young people to go out into the world, spreading the gospel, pointing them to Christ to let go of their past, and walking as new creations in Jesus?

Youth With A Mission Staff

I have committed to two years of partnering with YWAM and staffing a 6 month Discipleship Training School beginning February 2024. As of January 15th, I will begin training for this Discipleship Training School (DTS) which is 3 months of lectures and 3 months of outreach. As a staff of this school some of the responsibilities entail organizing local, national, and international missions trips to serve and make God’s name known in those places.

I will be completing a course called Certificate IV for Christian Missions (C4CM). These are accredited classes that grow and develop skills for serving in the missions field. I’m excited for what God has in store for these next two years and the future long term mission he has called me into. My prayer is to give my whole life for Christ who in His unfailing love saved us, to walk humbly and be submissive to His voice of guidance in my life. I am giving God my “yes” to go into the unknown.

YWAM is an unpaid organization and I am looking for people wanting to partner with the call of God for this next season of life.

Financial Need

Will you join in sowing into this ministry?

The financial need that I have is $1,500 AU/ month ($980 USD) for staff/living fees.

The financial need I have for outreach is around $3-4,00 AU ($2-2,800 USD)

This would look like 30 people paying $13 AU/per week ($8.50 USD) to help cover the costs I will have living in Australia and serving in full time ministry.

That’s $34USD/month.

The finances given will go to my school tuition, student visa, missions trips, and monthly expenses for living. This money is for supporting a ministry that equips young people to go to the world to spread the Gospel. It will support the call on my life to disciple young people and work in full time missions. I am committed to transparency and will gladly send out the breakdown of my budget upon request.

Would you prayerfully consider helping support me in the calling I have heard from God on my life?

Whether it's a one time gift or a monthly commitment, anything given is an incredibly felt blessing and I appreciate all who consider whether God has put it one your heart to give.

Thank you all!


Jenna Martin


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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925.478.4320 Ext. 303


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