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Kaitlyn Duffy

Kaitlyn Duffy


Hi! My name is Kaitlyn Duffy!

The Lord has sparked my heart for missions and given me a passion to see revival in our nation. This past year, I went on World Race, which was a 9 month mission trip with about 45 other teens to share the love of Jesus and to serve in Guatemala, Romania, and Eswatini. It was amazing and taught me so much about the Lord and His desire to see all people come to know His perfect love. God continued to break my heart for the brokenness in this world and for those lost. He showed me that there is no greater calling on my life than to follow wherever He wants me. Through praying and seeking the Lord’s will, I believe that He has called me to another season of ministry on the field!!

Beginning in October, I will spend about six months doing Circuit Riders, a non profit missions organization through Youth With a Mission (YWAM). Circuit Riders is an organization whose goal is to “build your relationship with Jesus, develop you as a leader, and send you as a missionary.” I will spend the first half in Huntington Beach, California taking classes and learning how to give messages publicly, while simultaneously doing outreach and ministry in the community around me. The second half of Circuit Riders is mobilization. Here, we will be split off into smaller groups and sent out! We will travel around and partner with high schools and colleges and put on events with the hopes of seeing revival in our generation.

It is estimated that only 4% of our generation has a biblical worldview, which means that we live in a generation where most people do not truly know Jesus. I believe fully that the Lord’s heart is for redemption, reconciliation, and revival for our generation. My heart is to see a generation on fire for Jesus. A generation whose hope is placed in the only One who will never fail them. A generation whose identity is not in the wavering idols of this world, but in the One who created them with purpose. I want to see a generation that many have been labeled as lost, found. I want to see the Holy Spirit move and revival break out. I believe that no nation, state, school, or person is too far gone for the love of Christ.

I am beyond excited to see all that the Lord has in store for this season. I believe that the Holy Spirit is moving and that “the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37).

As I prepare for this mission, I am reaching out to ask you for your support and prayers. I am aiming to fundraise $10,000! This would pay for my food, flights, training, classes, and housing. I am so amazed at the provision of the Lord and your willingness to pray for me and join me on this journey.



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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925.478.4320 Ext. 303


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ALAMO, CA 94507

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