Hiii! My name is Kayla Fisher, a full-time missionary with YWAM Circuit Riders! I am so honored that you would like to partner with me in God’s vision for my life.
This past January through June, I had the joy of completing my 6 month Discipleship Training School with CR. During this period, God truly met me in such powerful ways that he truly marked my life for missions, and I’ve never felt closer to God. It quickly became clear that moving forward, whatever He may put in front of me, I would give Him my immediate yes.
Within DTS we learned how to better foster our relationship with God, how to equip others in sharing the gospel, as well as work on selected skill sets. I chose messenger track where I learned how to create sermons and preach the gospel lovingly and effectively! We then were sent on outreach to love on several communities and put everything we had learned into action!
I had the privilege of touring with the USA/Europe team in which we gathered over 4,000 young adults and saw hundreds saved! God truly gave me a chance to walk boldly into my calling and ultimately gain a heart of burning compassion.
So what is next you may ask? Well…. God placed it on my heart at the end of may to apply for staff to be a part of the team full-time! I am blessed to inform you that I have been accepted and will be stepping into a leadership role discipling students to come!
Circuit Riders is a missional community on fire for presenting the Gospel to Gen Z. The heart of CR is to reach this generation, lost or saved, and equip them to fulfill their part in The Great Commission. The LOVE of Jesus is something I truly believe EVERYONE should experience in its FULLNESS. I am excited to see how much more God does on this journey as I continue to allow him to lead each step of the way!
As a full-time missionary, I will be raising 100% of my salary. Your prayers and financial support will make my dreams of seeing this generation transformed through Christ a reality!
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me financially and through prayer? While my greatest need is building my team of monthly investors, one-time donations are greatly appreciated as well. Each donation is tax-deductible!
Please feel free to contact me at kfisher5631@gmail.com
With Love,