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Karina Seaborn

Karina Seaborn


Hi! I am Karina Seaborn, a full-time missionary with Youth With A Mission(YWAM) in Battambang, Cambodia originally from California in the United States.

My missions journey started when I was attending CSU Sacramento and working on my Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. While I was a student there, I was part of a club called Chi Alpha(XA) under the organization called The Assemblies Of God. With Chi Alpha, I went on my very first mission trip to Cambodia in 2018 and then to The Philippines in 2019.

After having gone on my mission trip to Cambodia, I was moved by God to do further missions training and did my Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Tauranga, New Zealand through YWAM in October 2019, the same year I graduated from university, until March 2020, before all of the lockdowns. During DTS, my eyes were opened to how good of a father God is and how He longs to be in a relationship with the rest of His children throughout the world. During my time in New Zealand, God revealed to me that He wanted to equip me in knowing what He has said through His Word and also be transformed by it.

In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, God sent me to Cambridge, England in 2021 to be a student at the Chronological School of Biblical Studies (CSBS), where I studied God's word for 9 months! I was then led to do a Spirit & Truth Bible Seminar in Mendocino, California in 2022 after completing my Bible school, which brought an amazing conclusion to my Bible training.

Since 2018, I have known that God’s plan for me was to go back to Cambodia and serve for however long God wanted. Now that I have done the training that God led me to do, I am now back in Cambodia after 5 years.

I can now say that I am a bit more confident in: knowing what is in the Bible, as well as myself living in God, as I am sent out, whether it be in the jungles of Vanuatu, the slums of the Philippines, the ancient temples of Cambodia, one of the most prestigious universities in the world in England or even within my community at home in Northern California.

I would be honored if you would prayerfully consider partnering with me as I try my best to be obedient to where God continues to lead me as an ambassador for His kingdom and bring more into the loving family that many of us know about.

Thank you so much!



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