Hi! I'm Liz Rojas, born and raised in Paraguay, South America. And starting 3 years ago, I'm in full-time missions with Youth With A Mission (YWAM).
In 2019, I began my journey with YWAM. At first I served as a interpreter for teams from Kona who were sent to my country. In February of 2020 I enrolled in a DTS (Discipleship Training School) in São Paulo, Brazil with Fire & Fragrance Ministries.
During my DTS the Lord stirred up in me, more and more of a love for the nations and passion for Jesus to say Yes to Him no matter where, even to the ends of the earth.
After my DTS was over I stayed in Brazil for another season to serve at the base and in June of the same year, the opportunity arose to do an internship in South Africa, with Fire & Fragrance Ministries for 3 months. After that, I received the invitation to stay in full time missions for another season! It was a blast to serve that nation and it's people I just love South Africa. At this base, we were serving and working with the community, high schools, small groups with young girls, families as well as ongoing discipleship. It was such an honor to be part of what God is doing in South Africa and to witness the awakening for the first love of Jesus!
Now, I'm back in Brazil continuing serving with YWAM in São Paulo. Our base focus is in training, equipping and sending missionaries to serve in the field.
We also have other ministries such as Justice & Transformation which works with children in situations of risk, families from the local community, elementary schools and women in who are vulnerable. King's Kids is a short term camp-training for children and teenagers, Evangelism and English Classes which is designed to prepare our staff to learn and speak another language, break limitations and and be ready to take the opportunity to serve Jesus in other nations as well as taking the gospel to the ends of the earth!
Besides this, now I have the opportunity of taking part in a secondary school here at the base. It is The School of Biblical Christian Worldview. It is a 3 months course, that aims to give us a Vision of the Kingdom of God through the influence and impact that Christ brings to all of society. Not only about individual salvation, but a profound and transformative impact in all areas (Family, Church, Education, Arts, Sports, Communication, Health, Business and Government).
Would you like to be part of what God is doing in the nations? I would like to invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially.
Thank you for your prayers, intentionality and financial support. I pray that the Lord will bless and return for investing in His Kingdom!