Hi there!! I'm so glad you're here! My name is Megan Mason and I'm a part of a global missions movement called Circuit Riders.
Through the past 4 years, Christ has radically transformed the way I view my faith, God himself, and the Great Commission. I'm burdened to live my life investing in the eternal, which is GOD'S KINGDOM!
Christ has planted in me a passion for partnering alongside other women in reaching the next generation for the gospel. I will be involved in Circuit Riders women's movement called Brave Love which is designed to catalyze women to live on mission and equip them to bring biblical solutions wherever there is need. Brave Love believes that as women make up 2/3 of the church globally, we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines but are catalysts the Lord wants to use in BIG ways today to bring change.
This 6-month discipleship training program is a sacred season for me as I fully commit everything I am to how the Lord desires to work in & through me to advance His kingdom.
Your support means being a partner in the redemption story God is unfolding across the nations today and in my everyday life as I require resources to tangibly carry this calling out!
God calls each of us to make disciples, and our 'yes' looks radically different in every individual's life depending on the unique gifts, talents, and passions He's placed in you.
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially as I give God my 'yes?'
You're SO loved,