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Nick Moor

Nick Moor


Hey everyone! My name's Nick Moor and I had a radical encounter with God in the summer of 2023 that absolutely changed the trajectory of my whole life! But first, let me tell you a bit of my story...

I was saved in 7th grade in my middle school locker room and was so pumped up for Jesus! I wanted to tell everyone in my school about Him..which I did. After a while though, I got caught up with things of this world and really drifted in high school into college. I was enslaved in a lot of ways to the things of this world which led to depression, anxiety/social anxiety, being in bondage to certain sins, and at times wondering why I was even alive.

The summer of 2021, God brought me back home at a men's conference and reassured me that He would be with me. And that I didn't have to do life alone. I experienced so much joy and freedom from my encounter with God at that men's conference that's hard to even put into words!

The summer of 2023, I went to a 6 and a half day summer school with Circuit Riders and had another radical encounter with the Lord! He wrecked me in a beautiful way and broke my heart for the people in this world that don't have a relationship with Him. He reminded me of everything He set me free from and how far He had brought merciful He had been to me when I LEAST deserved it. He explained that He set me apart for a purpose and wanted to use me to reach so many people and bring them to know Him. It was such a humbling experience!

I was set on going back to Circuit Riders for their discipleship training school but in early August of 2023, I felt Him ask "If it's not Circuit Riders, are you ok with that?" and I replied "Of course God!". Part of me still felt it was just my own thoughts though. Fast forward a bit and through a series of conversations and a dream from the Lord, He redirected me to Switzerland with YWAM. I did their worship DTS which was such an amazing experience and was able to minister to so so so many people! 

This school and being on mission for 2 months in Brazil also absolutely marked me and showed me that I am prepared to do many works of ministry! I also believe that the season I am in now is one of pressing in more with the Lord, going deeper and allowing Holy Spirit to further equip me for ministry. I'm also currently doing a discipleship school back home to learn more about studying the Word, prayer, how to minister in even greater ways, etc. And He has been opening up many doors of opportunity for me to step into more leadership type positions. I'll be traveling more for ministry in the US this year and pioneering some things with church.

I also believe the Lord has opened up a lot of doors at YWAM and I've been talking to one of the leaders in Brazil about going to their base again to take part in some of the things they have going on and minister alongside them! I also feel the Lord has put it on my heart to travel to different YWAM bases if the doors open up to pour out into them and equip them better after He teaches me some more things. There are some Bible schools YWAM does that interest me too so I'd potentially do one if He leads. But as of now, I feel He is equipping me a lot where I'm at and then going to send me out to set the body of Christ on fire for the King of Kings!!!

I believe that God will provide as I seek Him wholeheartedly and take more steps into more & more ministry work. I feel I've finally found the thing He created me for. I'm working towards living 90-100% off support so that I can focus all of my efforts on preaching the gospel and ministering to people! The Bible explains that "The laborer is worthy of his wages" and "No soldier goes to war at his own expense" in reference to people preaching the gospel. "The Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel."

It's a privilege to be able to go and minister to people all throughout the US and the nations but it's also a privilege, I believe, to be able to support people in my shoes to help spread the gospel & equip the body of Christ! I invite you to take part in getting the gospel to as many souls as possible and reawakening the church to a life filled with the power of Holy Spirit because life is but a vapor! Time is so short and I pray we can reach as many as possible before the return of Christ. Any and all prayers are much appreciated as well, thank you!



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