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Sophia Minor

Sophia Minor



My name is Sophia Minor, I am 18 years old, and I am a full-time missionary. I run with YWAM Circuit Riders in Huntington Beach, California!

I am a part of a collaborative non-profit missions organization called Circuit Riders empowered by Youth With A Mission. The heart of the Circuit Riders is to save the lost, revive the saved and train them all. We want to inspire a generation to love like Jesus!

Our mission statement is to “Carry The Love” as we go into high schools, middle schools, and college campuses around America.

This will be my first year serving YWAM! I did my discipleship training program in 2020 with Circuit Riders and that was where my passion for my generation to be revived was stirred! I truly want Gen Z to burn for the gospel.

I have committed these next two years to run specifically with the Circuit Rider community and I can’t wait to see what God does. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financial support to see a generation saved across the nations!

Thanks! Sophia

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