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Samantha Stevens

Samantha Stevens


My name is Samantha Stevens and I am currently a full time missionary with Circuit Riders in Huntington Beach, California.

I have been rolling with them sine 2021 and it has been the best decision I have ever made! Circuit Riders is a non profit missions organization, created out of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) based in Huntington Beach directed towards reaching my generation.

Circuit Riders purpose is to save the lost, revive the saved, and train them to live a life like Jesus. I have always felt a calling for something more like influencing my generation to know that there is more to life than what the world has to offer. When I was at my most depressive, suicidal state, Jesus met me. And I knew that I had to give my entire life to seeing my generation (which is the highest suicide rate) meet the Love of Jesus like I did.

Being a part of CR as full time staff has been the wildest sweetest gift. I have had the honor of discipling women from all over the world that come to our DTS, I have led a tour throughout the states and internationally which was beyond wild! I saw miracles like blind eyes opening,  seeing hundreds of people come to know Jesus, and people finding their purpose and calling. This life is something I never thought would be in my story and now I can't imagine never being in it.

I have had the privilege of stepping into full time media, which consists of social media managing, as well as capturing and creating content that will reach thousands of people. This includes unreached people groups all over the world, SO CRAZY RIGHT?! I can’t believe this is my life!

I also get to serve locally at a house church and do street evangelism in Los Angeles, California, and see people in Hollywood and throughout L.A. come to know Jesus. We host schools of hundreds of young adults that come to get trained in HB and then sent out! We also have local gatherings called Monday Nights and Greenhouse that are in Costa Mesa, and that has been so wild to be a part of! Seeing people all throughout my hometown come to our gatherings and seeing them meet Jesus has been so rewarding! 

As I step into another year of being in Circuit Riders, I would love to invite you into prayerfully considering partnering with me and partnering with what the Lord is doing across the nation!

If you have any questions or want to know more, feel free to reach out!

Thank you for all the prayers and support!

Love. Samantha Grace


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

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925.478.4320 Ext. 303




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