My name is Taylor, and I have been a missionary with Youth With A Mission for the past 2 years.
I will be serving alongside Fire and Fragrance in South Africa, and our purpose is to see the lost and the unreached meet the love of Jesus in a personal way.
As Fire and Fragrance, our main ministry is to be a people in love with Jesus. We let our love for Him overflow by having a ready "yes" on our lips to anything He will ask. No matter the cost... we will go. We are gripped with passion to see every nation, tribe, and language come to see Him as the one true living God.
In Africa there are about 3,748 tribes with 435,044,000 unreached people groups. God has given me His heart for this continent with faith that we will see the term “unreached” erased in our day. In Matthew 9:38 Jesus looks out and sees people helpless and harassed, like sheep without a shepherd. He tells His disciples that the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few and to earnestly pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into His harvest. I firmly believe that there are places that will stay unreached UNTIL the African Missionary is sent. A question I keep feeling the Holy Spirit ask me is “Taylor, will you lay down your life so that African missionaries can be sent out?” It’s like God is asking me to become a springboard, to launch them as missionaries into the nations.
This next year, I will be continuing with a ministry here called Project 54. There are 54 countries in Africa, and we are believing for a movement to start in all 54 of them. My role will look like building connections across Africa, strategizing about how every nation/people group can be reached, training and mobilizing African leaders to start discipleship movements in their nation and in other ones, leading an internship on our base, and helping staff a Discipleship Training School (DTS) here in South Africa. We will be running hard and pioneering, but I know it will be worth it!
I have 3 ways that YOU can be a part of it and join my team!
• Being my prayer warrior! I send many updates, testimonies, and prayer requests on a WhatsApp group message!
• Giving a one-time financial gift
• Investing in what God is doing monthly, and joining my long-term team!
Please pray and ask God if you should give. If He says yes or if you just want to, please do it. If you don’t feel like God was prompting to, be obedient to that as well! No matter what, I just ask that you really will pray for me and my team and that God’s will will be done in Africa as it is in heaven!