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William Sarno

William Sarno


Hey there!  My name is Will Sarno and I am going to the tribes of Makawapur, Nepal in early March 2024, Lord willing.  These tribes are currently unreached and are in desperate need of the Gospel of Christ, just as all of us are, but unlike us they do not have access to the Gospel!

I'm from Washington State, born and raised.  I'm 21 years old and I am on fire for Jesus!  I have an incredible family that I care about dearly.  I was born and raised in the church but didn't truly love or know Jesus until He opened my eyes to the truth, almost 3 years ago now.  I am so filled with joy that the Lord has placed this calling on my life to see the lost come to know the truth about their Creator and what He has done to save them!

Right now, the mission the Lord has placed in front of me is this two week trip to Nepal! I got invited by my, previously house leader in Circuit Riders, and now friend Nick Petterson.  He is with an organization called Equip Canada that is an evangelism/discipleship ministry within the United States and Canada that also sends missionaries to exhort and expand the global Church! This is the organization that is hosting my trip to Nepal and I’m excited and expectant of what the Lord is going to do. Below I will leave attached a full itinerary of what we will be doing on this trip to Nepal! 

But the reason this site exists is for those interested in financially supporting me on this next leg of my mission's journey. The Word of God says that ‘God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.’ (2 Corinthians 9:8, CSB) This is equally true for you and for me! The body of Christ is beautiful for this reason, you and I both can equally rely on Christ in every single aspect of our lives for true provision. The Lord has also called us to work hard and diligently at everything we do (Colossians 3:23-24). So this is the work I believe I have to do before going on this trip, that I would ask all of you to help me to make this trip of exhortation possible! 

This is not an easy task and I need all of your prayers, as well as any financial help that you are willing to give to make this happen. Please consider giving to this mission trip and to what the Lord is doing in Makawapur, Nepal!

If you would like more information I would love to answer any questions, shoot me an email at and we can schedule a phone call soon.

Trip itinerary:

Thank you and blessing from God our Father through the Lord Jesus,

Will Sarno

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