Hello! My name is Zach Kok, and I’m a full-time staff member at YWAM (Youth with a Mission) Tokyo!
Growing up, I always had a love for Jesus, people, and Japanese pop culture (anime, manga, etc.). My interest in the Japanese culture along with a clear calling from God while serving at a Christian camp, I decided to take a gap year after high school in 2015. On somewhat of a whim, I decided to participate in DTS (discipleship training school) at YWAM Tokyo. God used this time to develop in me a deeper love and admiration for Japan as a whole. I knew then that this heart for Japan was a sign that God wanted me there for long term missions. While attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison, I returned to Tokyo to study abroad my junior year. My love and commitment for the Japanese community at large grew even more. In 2020, I graduated with a double major in Japanese language and Asian Languages and Culture.
My organization, YWAM Tokyo, fully embodies the mission of “knowing God and making Him known” in the context of Japanese culture. Many of the ministries I will be involved in are all about reaching out to the Japanese community and providing a source of encouragement, friendship, and prayer to those who need it most. My first few months on staff will be spent on-boarding. The emphasis during this time will be on finding my own place in Japanese ministry and understanding what that will look like. I also plan to help with the local high school youth group YWAM Tokyo is connected to as well as help college students with their English. These, and other potential ministries, will give me opportunities to create deeper friendships and relationships in my ministry. Before I begin this journey, I am still in the process of assembling a strong support group of monthly donors and prayer warriors! In whatever way you decide to contribute, I value your partnership in my ministry. May you prayerfully consider donating so that more Japanese people may come to understand their worth as children of God!
Thank you, and God bless!