Established in 1999, The Proclamation Task (PT) purposes to equip Bible teachers and biblical preachers who will provide the Christian church with godly leaders who are diligent in studying, faithful in expounding and relevant in applying God’s Word.
Based in Kampala, Uganda, PT promotes biblical priorities in the local church, centered on the diligent study of God’s Word for a faithful proclamation of the Gospel message in a growing context of ministry methods that display godliness. For the last 12 years, PT has been giving undivided attention in training local church pastors, making provision for basic ministerial training to increase their knowledge of Scripture, challenging them to nurture others and their own spiritual growth. And to develop the character and skills that are required in the godly task of shepherding God’s people.
Our Mission
To educate those who preach and teach the Bible, so as to establish biblical priorities in:
The message they proclaim,
The motivation that guides them, and
The methods they employ for Christian ministry.